Video-presentation Submission Guidelines

The submission deadline for the video recording is November 19, 2021.

The process for creating and uploading your video-presentation consists of three steps:

  • Prepare the presentation (ppt / pdf) and environment.
  • Download the provided software and record your lecture.
  • Complete the Pre-Recording Speaker Form.

Click here for the recording instructions on how to prepare and upload your video-presentation and speaker information

Although not mandatory, we highly recommend using the provided software (Screencast-o-matic) for video recording.

Length of presentation

  • The maximum length of a video-presentation for a regular paper is 20 minutes.
  • The maximum length of a video-presentation for a short paper is 12 minutes.
  • The maximum length of a video-presentation for a work-in-progress paper is 10 minutes.

All video-presentations must be recorded and uploaded to Underline by the provided deadline.

Do not forget to complete the Pre-Recording Speaker Form in order to finalize the upload process. The form is available at the following URL:

For any questions please contact us at: