Welcome to NCA 2024

The committee is proud to announce the NCA 2024, the International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications.

About NCA

NCA is a successful series of conferences that serves as a large international forum for presenting and sharing recent research results and technological developments in the fields of Network and Cloud Computing. NCA, sponsored by the PE7 SERICS project, reaches out to both researchers and practitioners, and to both academia and industry.

All papers presented at the main conference will be submitted to IEEE Xplore for publication and indexing.


  • Steering Committee Chair: Dimiter R. Avresky, IRIANC, Boston/Munich, USA/Germany
  • General Chair: Mirco Marchetti, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
  • Program Chair: Dario Stabili, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Italy
  • Program Co-chair: Giuseppe Tricomi, Istituto di Calcolo e Reti ad alte prestazioni, ICAR CNR Napoli, Italy

Further informations on the committees can be found at the Organization page.

For any questions please contact us at: nca2024@easychair.org

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